日常の彩りを大切に~ Prologue編~
日常の彩りを大切に~ Prologue編~
Cherish the colors of everyday life – Prologue
います。そんな女性の方々のLife Styleについても、問いかけて頂きたい。そうした想いも込めて、
The other day, for the first time in a long time, I had the opportunity to do a wonderful,
photo shoot that reminded me of the origins of my work.
The people I was asked to meet were people I have had the privilege of working with
since the beginning of my business, and the place where I connect with them has always
been a place of mutual support and mutual encouragement. Today, many women are very
busy with housework, childcare, and caregiving. However, women who are good at time
efficiency and schedule management have been able to weave relationships as they have
in the recent Corona disaster by utilizing online tools more than men, responding in a
flexible manner.
I was reminded of the importance of the connections made through precious relationships, along with the energy that only women can bring to the table, and I wanted to share thiswith you all. In particular, I would like you to focus more on the working styles, thoughts, worries, and struggles of modern women, while carefully looking at their important thoughts as well. Especially today, there are women who not only work in companies, but also make the tough choice to start their own businesses, while always keeping a smile on their face and valuing their connections with others. I would like to share with you the life style of thesewomen. We would like you to ask questions about the life styles of these women. With thesethoughts in mind, we have created this film. I produced this film for the first time in a long time while also spelling out the storyboards.
きた、女性の方々のLife Styleを知るきっかけにもなれば。そんな想いもありました。ただ、
What triggered the photo shoot was a request from a certain place for a photo of a
bag used by a model. The material used for the bag was handled by a long-established
material manufacturer, one of only a few remaining in Japan, and the long-established
material manufacturer who handles the material also contacted us, saying that they
would be willing to write the name of the material manufacturer on the bag.
In addition, the long-established manufacturers of various local industries that still
manage to survive in Japan are facing a crisis of closure due to the Corona disaster.
It must have been the behind-the-scenes efforts of women that have managed to
support such places. If you look at the local industries in your own community, you
will understand. The disappearance of such places will surely lead to a chain of hardships
for women. Unless this chain of events is eliminated, the children who will inherit the
next generation will also face hardships.
We want people to know about this vicious cycle. We would also like to share the life
styles of women who have supported the makers of local industries, local communities,
and their families. I also hoped that the event would provide an opportunity to learn
about the lifestyles of women who have supported the makers of local industries, local
communities, and families. We also wanted to help people learn about the lifestyles of
women who have supported local industry, local communities, and families. However,
in this day and age, the manufacturing industry is not self-supporting. Today, it is not
only women who are self-employed in the manufacturing industry, but it is also difficult
to work for a company. women who choose to start their own businesses while also raising children and taking care of their families. In the face of such diverse There are many women who are struggling to protect their families under such diverse constraints.
『Solide – Réticul』=『(貴婦人のための)丈夫で小さな鞄』という言葉を添えました。
The problems and struggles unique to such women, the difficulty of continuing to work while maintaining one’s identity. We hope that this event will help you to understand the importance of women’s strength and flexibility to support each other and to maintain their own identity even in such difficult times. We hope that this will be an opportunity for people to understand the importance of maintaining one’s own strength, flexibility, and self-worth.
The bag used in the photo shoot is a Series product with the meaning of connecting, nurturing, and spinning. We named these bags “T-U-N-A-G-U-M-U (connect)” and “T-U-M-G-U (tsumugu)”.The name “T-U-N-A-G-U-M-U (Tsumugu)” was given to the Bag. We have been nurtured and spun by long-established material makers who have continued to weave durable materials. We want to deliver the importance of connecting and spinning relationships with people, just as the long-established material makers who have continued to weave durable materials have done.Solide – Réticul” = “A sturdy little bag (for a lady)”.
The models for this project were exactly the same as the process of bag production and the selected colors. They work in a way that is unique to women. They work in a way that is unique to women. They are wonderful female entrepreneurs who have flexible and supple axes without losing their own identity in their work and private life.
We should have planned more carefully and made a request, but everyone was very busy and kindly agreed to our request. We were very happy that they agreed to our request even though they were all very busy. The female photographer was also very kind to cooperate with us, even though she had other work to do. We were able to have a good shoot thanks to the female photographer, who was able to coordinate with us even though she had other work on her plate. We were able to have a good shoot. Unlike working for a company, starting a business often does
not go as planned. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with people who have chosen this way of working with a high level of professionalism.
I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who helped to make this relationship possible. Thank you very much.